• 9 Billion Premium Impressions Served Monthly

    Quality traffic from credible sources that convert


Impression Monster is designed as a state of the art ad platform capable of providing massive amounts of quality traffic for a wide range of products and services.

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  • Target specific sites and ad zones with accurate tracking that allows you to drill down to optimize each ad buy effectively.
  • Full access to CPM Web, Mobile and Pop-under advertising solutions.
  • Ads can be displayed in virtually any approved size or format.
  • Our entire traffic ecosystem is managed in house by our own staff. That eliminates any risk of malware, unnecessary downtime, rogue admin obstacles or other headaches associated with third-party ad services. Impression Monster provides safe, useful traffic with every click.


Drill down deep with a powerful interface designed to take full advantage of proprietary Impression Monster technology. Manage your advertisements, measure the success of your campaigns and maximize your ROI with every new investment.

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  • GeoTargeting your campaigns allows you to bid on traffic from specific regions or countries.
  • Mobile traffic targeting includes choice of device, WIFI/WAP, OS and other parameters designed to help you match your new traffic to your sales materials.
  • Keyword targets make fine-tuning your campaign simple, for any niche or site you want to promote right now.
  • Impression Monster is staffed by ad management experts who can assist you with creating new campaigns, finding the data you need most and tweaking each bid to bring you the best value. We are there to assist you at every step along the way.


The face of online advertising has changed completely over the last few years and technology continues to lead us all toward even faster evolution. The Impression Monster ad platform is built upon proven technologies to give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

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  • Rich Media, In Text, Video or Mobile Ad formats utilize the most widely accepted methods and industry best practices for maximum impact.
  • Impression Monster understands you don't need to be at your desk to conduct your business. Our unique mobile ready administration area allows you to stay connected from any mobile device and manage ad campaigns in moments regardless of your current location.
  • The key to our technology is the usability we make the focus of every new addition. Impression Monster is intuitive by design and each incremental upgrade makes sense right from the start. You'll be creating successful campaigns in moments and we are available to assist you at any time.

Available Wherever You Are

What does it feel like to have 9 Billion impressions in your pocket? The moment you log into Impression Monster from any mobile device you'll feel the power of being able to bid on a massive amount of traffic with mobile campaign management and all the tools you need to succeed from anywhere in the world.

Impression Monster works when you do, how you do and where you do. It’s all about your ROI.